My Mother and How I Really

My mother takes my comics a bit too seriously

Group chat

You've just fineshed reading the 1000 messges on your friend's chat group and there's 500 new ones waiting for you


every time my nose bleeds I think my psychic superpowers are finally about to manifest

Love for our country

how we really act about our nation when we're among ourselves versus when we're with foreigners

Relationship with teachers

While american and british movies depict the relationship between teachers and students like something cold and a bit weird, we in Brazil are incredibly informal

In other cartoons

How would Little Nia look in other cartoons like Disney, Adventure Time, Simpsons, Gravity Falls, Pokemon and oldschool comics

Perfection of Nature

nature is perfect and all makes sense, except for dogs, silly cute creatures

The Future of Reading

The future of reading would be something that stops books from falling on my face while I'm reading lying down.